Comparion Insurance Agency
- Insurance

I love working with people and helping my clients so that every part of their life is well taken care of. I represent the Houston Comparion Insurance Agency and while Liberty Mutual is our parent company, I work with over 20 insurance carriers with strong financial ratings to meet my client's insurance needs, protect them across the great state of Texas, and provide a best-in-class insurance experience. Comparion means compare and companion all in one word. At Comparion, we provide all our quotes for free and offer our services without any of the brokerage fees! I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to create a legacy for their family, regardless of their background. Last but not least, I make insurance fun and easy for people to understand. Call me and get a free quote today!
- Auto Insurance
- Homeowners Insurance
- Renters Insurance
- Life Insurance.
- Pet Insurance
Whom to Contact
- Mr. Bryan Selby
Liberty Mutual. 20329 State Hwy 249, Suite 125. Houston, TX 77070. We are on the first floor on the right of our building.