Submitting 'Hot Deals'
September 06, 2019
Setting: I'm Suzie Q, Business Owner. I desperately need someone to look at my IT equipment and setup to determine how to improve my I visit the Chamber website. As I'm looking at the Membership Business Directory I happen to spot the Hot Deals button. Hmmmmm....Wonder what's there?

Chamber Members: Are YOU there?? Did you know that this is an additional way to post promotions on our website? It's FREE advertising for all Chamber Members. All you have to do is:
1) Click on Member Login
2) Click on Buy Nearby Hot Deals
3) Click on Add Buy Nearby Hot Deal
4) Fill in the details & you're all set!

Just one more way to promote yourself through the Chamber!
Need help accessing your member login or have a question about joining? Feel free to contact me!

Chamber Members: Are YOU there?? Did you know that this is an additional way to post promotions on our website? It's FREE advertising for all Chamber Members. All you have to do is:
1) Click on Member Login
2) Click on Buy Nearby Hot Deals
3) Click on Add Buy Nearby Hot Deal
4) Fill in the details & you're all set!
Just one more way to promote yourself through the Chamber!
Need help accessing your member login or have a question about joining? Feel free to contact me!
Leslie Sloan, Membership Development Manager, (281) 440-4160